Notes to Parents and Students

Notes to Parents and Students:

To Students 

Class Superstars are always welcome in our class! Every week one student will be awarded as Class Superstar. To be eligible you must exhibit model behavior both inside and outside the classroom, complete all your work on time, and must always work to your full potential.

Field Trips: We will be going on 4 trips this year. One to the library, one to see a play (Charlotte's Web), and 2 that we will plan.

Friday Folder (Mrs. Smith's class only) will go home on Friday with tests to sign and flyers and/or notes from the teacher. Please keep the papers on the right side of the folder home and return the tests (if there are any) on the left side of the folder signed by the following Monday (or next school day)

Reading log is due every Friday.

Homework is very important to reinforce skills learned in class! If it's not completed, you will do it during recess and P.I.E. (Physical Interactive Education)

Projects and Reports: We will be doing many at home projects this year. You will have at least 2 weeks to complete each project. Information will be forthcoming.

Class Procedures: You know how to enter the classroom, how to ask for help, how to turn in work, what is expected of you, etc. Be sure to utilize these procedures when in school.

Class Rules, Consequences, and Rewards: You know how to behave in the classroom and what will happen if you do not follow the rules. You also know how easy it is it follow the rules and be rewarded for doing so.

To Parents

Classroom supplies are always appreciated. These items should be delivered to the class along with the receipt ($15.00 = 1 volunteer hour). The best way to ensure our class receives these much needed items is to send them in with your child to school. Check out the Wish List link on this website. I have updated it to highlight those items we need the most.

Agenda Please check your child's agenda daily for any notes from me. This will be one way I communicate with you, as well as via phone call and/or e-mail, if necessary.

Copy Parents: Thank you for offering to help our class out by making copies. I will send home a folder with your child when copies are needed. There will be directions included. In most cases, you will have a week to return them to me. If you cannot make them, please send them back as soon as possible and I will pass them on to someone else.

Medication: If your child is taking medicine, either over the counter or prescription, it needs to be sent to the front office with directions and they will administer it there. Cough drops are also considered medicine and are not allowed for the children to have them in their possession.

ID: Every person who enters school grounds must have a drivers licence or state issued ID card. Without this you will not be allowed in the school.

Friday Folder: Your child will receive a Friday folder. It will go home every Friday. In it you will find graded tests that need to be signed and returned to me. You will also find any notices sent from the school. These need to be left at home and read by you. (ONLY MRS. SMITH'S STUDENTS)

Reading Log: Students will be receiving a reading log. They are to read 20 minutes each night and log it. Parents are to initial the reading log. It is due every week on Friday, unless noted otherwise.

Friday Uniform: Students must wear their official Friday uniform every Friday. Boys: White button down shirt, tie, blue slacks and dress shoes. Girls: Uniform jumper, white blouse and dress shoes. Please make sure your child adheres to the Friday uniform dress code.